The Artifacts’ Awakening

Created by The Monster Directive

The Artifacts' Awakening is a collection of 44 sentient magic items to use in your next ttrpg campaign. They're meant to be rewards your party will love or hate. After all, a self-righteous hat that whispers so into their ear constantly may become annoying. A sword that insists that it's their friend, all the while trying to kill them. Some may even become their friends and makes the decision when the time comes to upgrade impossibly hard.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Items Come to Life!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 04:32:20 AM

Thank you! We reached the funding goal on Day 1!

Thank you to everyone who has backed and made this happen; your support keeps the voice of my chalice Elred at bay.

What a fantastic first day not only did we reach the goal, but the first stretch goal was unlocked. That means everyone is no longer getting 36 items but 44!

As we move into Day 2, I want to thank everyone again for supporting the project.

- The Monster Directive